Enerģijas taupības fonds (FPE)
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Būvuzņēmējdarbības un nekustamā īpašuma ekonomikas institūts
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).
Austrumeiropas mājokļu iniciatīva (IWO e.V.)
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).
mājokļu iniciatīva
(IWO e.V.)
Friedrichstrasse 95
10117 Berlīne,
Knut Höller
Inga Rovbutas